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My name is Deborah Brown and every since I was a little girl, I knew that I would one day surround myself with animals and start up a breeding program. I bought my 1st rottie in May of 2001, however I have been around rotties for over 20+ yrs. We are considered a small rottweiler hobby breeder based in Snellville,Georgia. My husband & I didn't start breeding until 2008 and we've learned so much about the breed and the proper standards of a rottie during this process. **My dogs are not just "a dog" to me, they are my babies and are spoiled rotten.** We are constantly striving to improve our lines and bringing onboard new females to take our breeding program to the next level. In my quest to produce top notch rotties, I am supported by my husband Bobby Brown. Our home is a smoke free home. It may not be important for a buyer to know that information, but it is important to me that we raise our babies in a stress free, smoke free and clean environment.


We also welcome all potential buyers to come out and visit with us any weekend.

Upon request, we are able to provide multiple references from past puppy buyers that are satisfied with their new rottie addition. Please email us to check on our availability.








































New NEWS, Black Jade Rottweilers has recently moved (July 2015) to the home below and we now have 3 times more land than our original property. 


























This means our indoor and outdoor kennel setups has changed. We will provide updated photos as we get everything setup properly. 


Our Outdoor Kennels:


These pens were designed and built for the sole purpose to reduce the dreaded summer flea and hot spot issues and to also eliminate any accidental breedings. All matings are carefully selected and supervised. We breed for temperament, conformation and sound structure. We have 3 more kennel covers on back order to complete our installation. All dogs are brought inside if it gets too hot/cold outside.

All adult dogs are let out several times a day for potty breaks and socialization. Yes, all of our dogs get along with one another. Some breeders cannot honestly say that they can let all of their dogs out to play with one another at the same time due to aggression issues. We are proud to say that we can and do it daily. This is the very reason why we start our new youth dogs out by taking them to the dog parks at an early age so they become familiar with the ranking order within a pack. People that do not socialize their dogs with other animals and humans, are bond to have a dog with aggression issues. We take great pride and spend countless hours with our dogs.


**BJR just upgraded their kennels, new photos coming soon**


Our New Whelping Room Is Complete:






















All puppies including the "mother's to be" will be housed in our new Rottie Nursery. The tile was installed for easy clean up and to keep their living conditions sanitary. This room is apart of our home, so it is temperature controlled with the rest of the house. All puppies are handled daily to get them use to human contact. All puppies will start eating puppy mush around 3 weeks in age and home videos/photos will be provided of your baby as they are growing up. All puppies will be given 4 dewormers and their 1st 5 way vaccine shot in our care. The puppies tail will be docked and their dewclaws will be removed. 


Note: Although we use a licensed vet to remove the dewclaws on our puppies, there is a slight chance that a dewclaw can grow back. We do not provide any type of reimbursement/coverage if this happens. Puppies squirm around during this procedure and it makes it difficult to remove the dewclaw 100%. Again, it's rare that one will grow back, but it can happen.


At the time of birth, all puppies are given a special colored collar which keeps them unique from their litter mates. All puppies are documented with a puppy chart containing important information about their growth and development.Our puppy packets comes with many documents from their AKC application, both parents lineage history, both parents health certificates, shot & dewormer history etc... If you click on the tabs called, "Brutus Offsprings" you'll see some of the puppies we have produced and the comments the new owners have shared with us.


What Comes With Your Purchase:

Your puppy will come with it's AKC application, tail docked, dewclaws removed, 1st vaccine, shot records, 4 dewormings, vet health check & health guarantee. OFA & Pedigree records can be downloaded from our website.


Note: There is a slight chance that a dewclaw can grow back. We do not provide any type of reimbursement/coverage if this happens. Puppies squirm around during this procedure and it makes it difficult to remove the dewclaw 100%. Again, it's rare that one will grow back, but it can happen.


Our dogs have a strong European/Champion Bloodlines.


The Ideal Buyer:

As you can see from all of the photos & documentation, we put a lot of time and dedication into each dog/puppy. We don't consider our dogs "just a dog" they are considered my babies. So if you intend to tie up one of my babies and/ or have bad intentions, please move on....The ideal buyer will be one who plans to make our baby into a family member that will provide the proper care and training/loving a rottie needs and deserves.

Health Guarantee:

If a registered vet deems your puppy unhealthy within the terms of our contract, you will be asked to take the puppy to my vet for a second health screening. If my vet also deems the puppy unhealthy, you will have the option for a replacement puppy out of the following litter that is of equal value from the original puppy that was purchased. See our "Health Contract" tab for more specific details on what we cover and guarantee.


None of our breeding dogs have had any health issues and we invested in top quality dogs to ensure that the bloodlines are strong.


Hip/Elbow Testing:

Ciroc had Prelimbs Hips: Excellent, Elbow Grade I, Cardiac is a Normal. Also JLPP Clear.

HEMI HD Good, Elbows Normal, Cardiac Normal, JLPP Clear

Iris was rated in Serbia as HD: A & ED: BL. JLPP Clear

Astra was rated in Serbia as HD: A & ED: BL. JLPP Clear

Viktoria  was rated in Serbia as HD: A, ED: 0, Cardiac Clear, Eyes Clear & JLPP N/N


**You may ask, "what is OFA?" OFA will certify whether a dog has good, borderline or bad hips. They will also certify elbows, eyes and cardiac. Some breeders will do all items and some will focus on the main two which are the hips and cardiac. If you see an ad posting purebred dogs for $200-$300+ dollars, please rest assure they are not OFA certified, so you're taking a HUGE risk purchasing that puppy. Please be sure to do your homework too, because some breeders will advertise that their dogs are OFA certified, when they are not. Log onto and look up the dogs name. If their name yields no results, then the breeder is lying, hence they can't be trusted. Please be sure to ask for proof of their results when you visit their kennel. If they show hesitation with showing their paperwork, then that's a red flag too.



A minimum $300 non-refundable deposit will be required in order for us to hold a puppy for you. If you choose to place a deposit prior to a litter being born, please be FULLY committed to transfer your deposit to a future litter if we don't produce enough puppies in the expecting litter to cover all deposits. If you have to transfer a deposit, please also be FULLY committed to wait up to 6-8 mths before another breeding will take place. A deposit does not guarantee that we will produce enough males/females to get to your spot on that one specific breeding. If we have to roll your deposit over, it also does not mean you will get that same placement. Your deposit is reserving 1 spot on 1 specific breeding.


Puppy Selection Process:

I get this question asked often...How do you handle your puppy selection process? We handle our puppy selection in the order in which a buyer places a deposit. Example: if you place a deposit down for a female and nobody else has, then you'll get 1st pick over everybody else. If this same buyer is wanting full registration then we will have to let the buyer know which puppies are eligible for full registration. NOT all puppies are born without any AKC faults. An AKC fault can be something as simple as an off bite and/ or off markings such as the white patch of hairs on their chest that are sometimes produced within the rottie lines. Some breeders could careless which puppy a buyer selects but in the long run if a buyer is looking to breed and/ or show a dog, that offspring is linked back to your pedigrees and we wouldn't want to disappoint any buyer aiming to breed/show. If a buyer has 1st pick male/female and they only want limited registration, they will still have the right to pick any puppy out of the litter. It is all, 1st come 1st served. 


Pick Up Date & Time - Extended Stay Policies:

We start our puppy selection process around 6 weeks in age and after they have been vet checked. Due to Covid, we now do the selection process the same day the puppy is ready to go home. In the event that a buyer needs the puppy to stay longer than our scheduled timeline, there will be a $25.00 per day fee to cover food, boarding and cleanup maintenance. If your puppy stays longer than our scheduled timeline, it may also need additional dewormers/shots. An extra dewormer is $20.00 and an extra shot will be $30.00. All extended stay fees and any remaining balance must be paid in full and in cash at the time of pickup or the puppy shall not be released.


Vaccines & Dewormers:

All puppies will be given their 1st vaccine shot @ 6 weeks old. They will also receive 4-5 dewormers under our care.  Please request additional information when you place your deposit.


Caring for your new puppy:

Please take your new puppy to the vet as soon as possible.


Please do not take your puppy to any random pet supply place where other animals are able to

roam with their pet owners. This is a quick way for your puppy to get sick. Rottweilers are prone to catching

parvo and it's deadly. We always recommend that you keep your puppy on your property until it has had all

5 vaccine shots (3 weeks apart from one another) and it's 1st rabies shot, which isn't typically given prior to 

16 weeks old.


When taking your pet to the vet, please keep him or her in a crate/carrier or your lap. Try your best

to keep them from roaming on the ground. Do not allow your puppy to interact with other dogs as

they may be sick.


If you & your puppy are at the vets office and you happen to see another dog throwing up, alert any

vet attendant what you saw & remove your puppy by taking him/her outside and wait your turn to

see the vet. A dog that is throwing up may be a sign of Parvo. Parvo is costly to treat and in most

cases is deadly.


Once you have picked up your baby from us, he/she will have had 4 wormers and their 1st Vaccine

shot that covers:

  • Canine Distemper

  • Adenovirus Type 1&2-Parainfluenza

  • Parvovirus Vaccine

  • Modified Live Virus



1- Normal firm logs

2- Pudding Diarrhea- soft stools that will mound up

3- Brown Water Diarrhea

4- Brown Water Diarrhea with blood



If a dog gets diarrhea as a result of parasites, the most common causes are Coccidia or Giardia.

Both will cause diarrhea, but each requires different medication.

All dogs have some level of Coccidia in their gut. When a dog is stressed (i.e. being shipped,

moving into a new environment etc ) the stress can cause the Coccidia to bloom and flair up

causing diarrhea. The solution is to give the dog ALBON. How much and how it is administered is

a question for your vet.

Humans get Giardia when they drink water that has fecal matter in it. When you go camping and

drink water from a stream you can get Giardia. When dogs get Giardia they need to be treated with METRONIDAZOLE. 

It is difficult for a Vet to diagnose Giardia from a stool sample. It is best if the

dog is at the vet who gets the stool sample right from the rectum of the dog. By doing this the

sample is fresh and its easier to see the Giardia.

Both Coccidia and Giardia need to be diagnosed by a Vet and the medication needs to be

dispensed by a Vet.



When a dog had pudding diarrhea I know that there is something going on with the dog. Pudding

sends up a small red flag and my kennel staff knows they need to tell me when we see it. That dog

needs to be monitored until it is back to laying logs.

Pudding diarrhea can be caused from:

  • changing the food our dogs eat can cause diarrhea

  • over feeding the dog can cause diarrhea 

  • eating garbage can cause diarrhea

  • stress can cause diarrhea

  • exercise or excitement can cause diarrhea

If your vet determines that your puppy has either, please do not get alarmed and think their

unhealthy. This is very common with large litters and is not expensive to cure.


Food and Maintenance of your puppy:

All food and daily maintenance of your puppy is included in the prices up to 8 weeks in age. If a buyer chooses to leave their puppy with us past 8 weeks in age, additional fees may apply. Please request additional information when you place your deposit. All puppies will be on Diamond puppy kibble when you pick up your puppy.
























What we feed our adult dogs:

Diamond Naturals - Lamb & Rice Formula









Our Team

B.J.R is constantly managing our dogs/puppies around the clock. We are a team of 2, and I must say our dogs are spoiled and have it quite nice!!!

Deborah Brown


Bobby Brown


Our Team

Deborah & Bobby Brown

Black Jade Rottweilers

Phone: 678-754-3327


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